Sarratt Day Retreat

June 23rd 2024

Join me for a day in the peaceful village of Sarratt. We will spend the day together, emersed in yoga, greenery, nourishing our bodies with healthy foods, followed by a restorative yoga practice and a sound bath. There will be tea and cakes and a closing circle.

Sarratt Village Hall, WD3 6AS

The rejuvinating day will include;

  • Vinyasa and Restorative classes (suitable for all levels)

  • A countryside walk through the village and the woodlands

  • Delicious, healthy lunch (and Kate’s famous cookies!)

  • Sound bath with Kastur Pindolia

  • Closing Circle

On June 23rd I’ll be offering you a lovely day of nurturing peace and “you time”. We’ll begin the day at 10am with a welcome circle and a gentle vinyasa class. A healthy plant-based lunch will be served to fuel us for the rest of the day. In the afternoon we’ll take a wild walk through the village of Sarratt and down through the woods. The rest of the afternoon is for deep relaxation. You’ll sink into a restorative yoga class (think of pillows, blankets and gravity doing all the work) followed by sound bowls with my Kas, whose serene voice and bowls allow you to rest on a deeper level. The day will conclude with tea and cake (because why not!).